This comprehensive report delves into the deep-sea mining risks that threaten global biodiversity and financial stability.

MEDIA RELEASE | 31 October 2024
As global calls for a moratorium on deep-sea mining become ...

A detailed factsheet on the Solwara 1 deep sea mining project in the Bismarck Sea in Papua New Guinea.

The MV Coco, previously targeted by Greenpeace Int, now chartered by Deep Sea Mining Finance, has been revealed to be illegally mining the Bismarck Sea.

TMC declared it opposes groundbreaking scientific research that the company itself part funded, even as the ISA key decision making body is today set to discuss

Civil Society Groups File a Formal Complaint Against The Metals Company Letter to the U.S. SEC alleges seriously misleading information in The Metals Company 20
Watch BLUE PERIL, a 16-minute visual investigation that presents a scientifically robust and disturbing picture of far-reaching impacts of deep sea mining for Pacific Island communities.