This paper summarises the risks associated with deep sea mining and ways in which financial institutions have responded.
After three weeks of negotiations at the International Seabed Authority (ISA) no regulations on deep sea mining were adopted.
Civil society calls on the Australian government to support a ban or moratorium on deep sea mining.
An infographic to lay bare the web of connections tying The Metal Company's CEO, Gerard Barron, his family, and his friends.
Deep Sea Mining Campaign joins 25 organizations in calling on Hawai'i to join other states in calling for a on ban seabed mining
FairFin research on a new financial system that is transparent, fair and democratic, in this article they take a close look at the financial flows to DEME.
Watch BLUE PERIL, a 16-minute visual investigation that presents a scientifically robust and disturbing picture of far-reaching impacts of deep sea mining for Pacific Island communities.