[cvm_video id=”3629″]   This video is from a small action outside the 5th Annual Deep Sea Mining industry Summit in London on Tuesday 24th May 2016, in which the Australian-based Deep Sea Mining campaign, London Mining Network and War on Want (London) stand in solidarity with communities across the Pacific who are calling for a Ban on Experimental Seabed Mining in their seas. This experimental “frontier” industry is 21st century colonialism of the Pacific in which the EU are complicit in continuing the ‘empire’ tradition in which it has the right to rape and pillage the Pacific for its own profit. Over 1.5 million square kilometres of ocean floor are already under exploration leasehold across the South Pacific and the world’s first licence to operate a deep sea mine has been granted in Papua New Guinea to Canadian company Nautilus Minerals Solwara 1 project in the Bismarck Sea. This is opposed by communities across Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
“We call on Papua New Guineans and allies internationally to stand up and defend the Bismarck Sea and all other seas under threat from seabed mining. Our government and Nautilus Minerals have not got the people’s free prior and informed consent. The sea is our life. We exist because the sea exists. We will not continue to remain quiet and passive. We have a responsibility to those generations that come after us; to those yet unborn.” – Patrick Kaupun, Alliance of Solwara Warriors “Judging from the monster size of the machines that will be tested in our seas, there is no question that this new “frontier” industry will destroy our environment and communities in PNG and the Pacific. With such serious liabilities in the face of an untested and untried industry, including the fact that we currently have terrible track records of terrestrial mining, seabed mining is a disastrous investment.” – Janet Tokupep, Alliance of Solwara Warriors
Media Release From the Pacific to London:Ban Experimental Seabed Mining – http://bit.ly/1WfhMy4 More info http://deepseaminingoutofourdepth.org/reports/   Solidarity Postcard-with logos